Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University

Journal of Scientific Enquiry

ISSN 2583-2352

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Name: Journal of Scientific Enquiry

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ISSN: Under Process

Frequency: 180 days

Journal DOI: Under Process


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UGC Approval: Under process

Indexed/Abstracted in: Yet to be permitted


  •  Physical Sciences

  •  Chemical Sciences

  •  Biological Sciences

  •  Mathematical Sciences

  •  Computer Sciences

  •  Geo- and Environmental Sciences

  •  Behavioral Sciences



Journal of Scientific Enquiry publishes original research works through experiment, theory and computations on various branches of Sciences, including Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Computer Sciences, Statistical Sciences and Geo- and Environmental Sciences. For more clarification, please contact Chief Editor ( or any one of Associate Editors. Initially we accept Research Articles and Reviews. Further information about preparing manuscripts can be found here, and some tips for creating high impact experimental and theory/computational manuscripts are given here.


Each issue will be running issue and all officially accepted manuscripts will be immediately published online. Running issue concept gives the authors the benefit of 'Zero Waiting Time' for the officially accepted manuscripts to be published.


Disclaimer:  This international journal has no connection with any scholarly society or association or any specific geographic location or any country. This is an independent journal. Legal contact address of editorial office and other offices are available in this link.

Authors are requested to submit their valuable Articles/Reviews through online submission mode for the Volume 4, Issue I at an early date.
