Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University

Journal of Scientific Enquiry

ISSN 2583-2352

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Upcoming Volume 4, Issue I of JSE

Authors are requested to submit their valuable Articles/Reviews through online submission mode.

Journal of Scientific Enquiry is a peer reviewed multidisciplinary international e-journal being published bi-annually by Sidho-Kanho-Birsha University, Purulia, West Bengal, India. It covers all scientific disciplines and publishes original research papers, review articles, research reports and academic activities. The main focus of the Journal is in articles that describe and analyse new and innovative contributions and developments. Also the improved analysis, including the effectiveness and applicability of existing methods and works is of importance. The novelty and innovation efficiency should be proved and illustrated by nontrivial experiments or examples. Articles describing only variants of existing methods, without adding significant novelties are not of interest. This is a quality controlled, open access e-journal.

Authors are requested to submit their valuable Articles/Reviews through online submission mode for the Volume 4, Issue I at an early date.
